A Reflection on NAAC Accreditation of Tamenglong College

Ngamtinlun Touthang and Ninglu In 2021, an article was published (by Dr. Gaikhuanlung Ngaomei and Ngamtinlun Touthang) in The Tamenglong Times , about the need for National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) accreditation for Tamenglong College. In that article, the authors argued that if NAAC accreditation does not happen on time, the fate of Tamenglong College, the lone Higher Education Institute (HEI) in the district, could be at stake. The idea was that if a HEI doesn’t get NAAC assessed, it can be de-recognised, merged with nearby institute, or even closed down in a worst situation. After a long and strenuous journey, the College get assessed by NAAC Peer Team comprising of Dr. Muthuchelian Krishnasamy, Vice-Chancellor, Periyar University, Dr. Shyam Bhat N., Former Professor, Goa University, and Dr. Chandrakant Rawal, Former Principal, Brihan Maharashtra College of Commerce, on 7 th and 8 th of March 2023. On 10 th March 2023, NAAC declared the result o...