Not all the Meiteis are evil: But how did all these atrocities happen?

Anthony Shongthu Since the beginning of the current ethnic turmoil, I have been closely following the development from both sides. So, with a fair amount of confidence, I can say that I have gathered enough knowledge to give a preliminary judgment on the role of the silent majority within the Meitei community. In other words, I can confidently say that not all the Meiteis are evil! As a person who has been brought up in Imphal, mostly among the Meiteis for the last 20 years, I have encountered many sane Meiteis, and many of my friends are also from the same community. Moreover, being from a humble background, I am what I am today largely from the many kind-hearted persons I met during these two decades. There were many individuals who helped me when I was in need of financial as well as moral support. Out of these, a reasonably good number were Meiteis. If I had not met these generous people, my career could have ended prematurely. To come straight to the point, when the M...