Realising the purpose of life through education


Every human being in this World wants to be a successful person. But it is a simple known fact that only few people are able to taste the fruit of success in their lives. Writing about 2000 years ago, the Apostle Paul stated that everyone run in a race but only one wins the prize (I Cor. 9:24). The reason why only few people excel in life can be many and varied. In this short write-up, an attempt shall be made to address how the youths should realize the purpose of life through education, and become a successful person.

As a boy, I used to ask myself: Why did God created us? Why am I here for? Am I worthy of living a good life? etc. Sometimes, I pour out my doubts to people whom I trust. But their explanations never satisfy me. The following passages are some of my thoughts based on my experiences in the past years regarding all these confusions as I grow with education.


At the outset, I would like to make clear that God created us with a purpose. There is no one in this world whose existence has no meaning. One may be poor or rich, fair or dark, short or tall, lean or fat; we all are His most beautiful creations. One must first of all realize this to live a meaningful life.

There are many unwanted things happening in today's world. Among them, one important reason, according to me, is the failure of the Youths to realize the importance of life. Many youths have taken this God’s given precious life for granted—consciously or unconsciously. They do not take it seriously that human beings are the most important creation in the Universe. God created us not only in His own image but also as the only rational being with the power to think what is right and wrong. If all the youths of the World could realize this, the World would be a better place. I therefore request all the youths to remember that life is worth living. To make things clearer, let us discuss in more details.


The Bible is very clear that we are all created not with one but different talent (Rom 12:6-8). As we all look different, and have different personality, we also have different skills. Some may be good in painting, some in football, some in singing, and some in dancing, and so on. Likewise, some of us may be good in Mathematics, some in Physics, some in Economics, some in English, or any other discipline. Similarly, everyone cannot become an IAS or IPS officer, a Doctor, or a Bank Manager, etc. but we can all become someone.

For this, God gave each one of us the potential to achieve something in life. Many people did not realize that they have the potential to become a successful person! This is why they could not reach their targets. If they have realized this, they could have fare better in life. However, it is not always easy to become a successful person. We need to find out our hidden talents through education and hard work.

While I was in schools/colleges, I used to envy successful personalities. Sometimes, I dream of becoming a Doctor, sometimes an IAS Officer, sometimes a Professor, and so on. At times, I would feel so low that I’d tell to myself: I am just a useless person! This was mainly because I saw only the successful man in that person but not the kind of hardships he had endured to realize that dream. When I realize that, I could work harder to be like one of them. Because I believe that one day I will surely realize the purpose of my Life.

This is the reason why God created us—to realize the purpose of our life—and live accordingly.


As mentioned above, God created every human being not only with a purpose but also with enough potential to realize that purpose. In other words, each one of us has the capability to scale through any heights to achieve our goals. But the journey towards success may not be as smooth as we expected it to be. There are many challenges/problems one has to overcome before reaching his/her destinations. As the saying goes, ‘there is no shortcut for success’, one has to travel through thick and thin to reach the end.

There are many common problems faced by younger generations, particularly the students, in today's world. Some of which are poverty, family problems, lack of proper education and guidance, suitable academic environment, etc. At a more personal level, problems facing the Youths can also include mobile phone/internet, drugs/intoxicated things, laziness/idleness, forgetfulness, infatuation, negative influence of peer groups, poor health, etc. One can go on adding.

The fact is that one has to face so many problems/hardships in life. In this regard, I would like to remind the youths that: as long as you consider all this problems as a problem, it will remain a problem. But once you accepted that all these are challenges in your life, you will be able to face and overcome it. Never forget that until and unless you have the guts to face all those challenges, the chances of your success are low because no one can escape from facing challenges in life. Therefore, accept challenges and face accordingly. Only then, you will become a successful person.

Again, in case you think that your problem is too large to overcome, remember this: God never allows His children to face a problem which he/she can’t overcome. ‘[H]e will not let you be tested beyond your strength, but with the testing he will also provide the way out so that you may be able to endure it’ (I Cor. 10:13).


To realize the hidden gem within us, education has a very important role. This is why our parents/guardians took the trouble of sending us to schools, colleges, and even universities.

There are many ways to achieve one's goal depending on the nature of the chosen field. Amongst these, EDUCATION is one of the most important gateways to realize our goal. In fact, it is the key for almost every field. Here lies the importance of education. As such, one needs to be very careful in choosing his/her career.

Moreover, a student needs to focus more on his education rather than focusing on other things. Because a student’s life is the best time to learn in order to become a successful person. An elderly person can also learn new things but he will have certain limitations related with age, health, responsibility towards family and society, etc. So, a youthful student’s life is the best opportune time to acquire as many knowledge and skills as possible. This doesn’t mean that students should neglect other activities. Rather, it means to convey the message that a student should be clear with his/her priority (what he wants to be in his future life), and move forward accordingly.


There is a common saying that ‘there is no substitute for hard work’. In other words, success comes only to those who work hard. One may have the potential to achieve success in life, but if he doesn't really work hard, it will not come to him. Similarly, there is no restriction that only brilliant students will achieve success in life. This implies that even relatively less brilliant persons can also achieve their goal if they work hard.
There are many bright students who remained a failure in life simply because they refused to work hard. As it is said, ‘An idle brain is the Devil's workshop’, the bright future of many capable youths got spoilt because they refused to work hard. So, whether we want to work hard and enjoy the fruit of our labour, or remain idle and become an agent of Devil, the choice is ours. But I suggest you to choose the former.


In this write-up, a humble attempt has been made to remind ourselves that we have a purpose on this Earth—i.e., to fulfil God’s plan. For this, God has given us the potential, strength, and opportunity to carry out His plan. However, whether we want to fulfil His plans by living a meaningful life, or not, is in our hand. We can choose to be successful and become a responsible person in the society, or remain idle and live a pathetic life. If you choose the former, the whole World would be a better place to live for you. As long as you give your best, God will always be there to help you. But in case you choose the later, there will be a time when you feel ashamed of living on this Earth. Remember, God’s help will never come as long as you remained idle/lazy.

With this small piece, I would like to appeal to all the Youths to live a meaningful life, not only for you but also for the Society, and more importantly, God. I would also like to express my heartfelt thanks to the Organising Committee for giving me the space to share some of my thoughts in this publication. Last but not the least, I wish all the staffs, students and well-wishers of this School the very best in all your entire future endeavour. May the Almighty God bless you all!

(Written for the Souvenir of Morning Star English School, Kangpokpi district, Manipur, FOUNDATION DAY)


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