Some simple act of kindness that change my life in a big way

1. HSE 2007: During my higher secondary days in Imphal (2005-07 ), I was in such a situation that I could neither afford to go to school daily nor buy enough reading materials. My aim was just to complete my Class-XII. Since I was not regular in the class, and was not able to owned required text-books, it was a difficult task to prepare for the HSE Exam. With the little materials in hand, I thought I should give my best whatever it takes. A couple of months before the exam, I decided that I should try to get 70 percent. Seeing my seriousness on the eve of exam, a neighbour, who was teaching in another higher secondary school in Imphal, bring me additional sheets from the school and gave it to me. She told me to used for writing practice because she knew that reading alone is not enough. Using those papers given to me by that lecturer, I was able to passed my HSE (Arts) with 71 percent. This little act of kindness have changed my outlook and even my academic career to a great exten...